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Out of a village with more than 1, people, only 10 German families are left. The German bakery closed years ago and the local primary school dropped mandatory lessons in German. The teaching is now all done in Kyrgyz and Russian. But the Sunday morning bus helps keep alive the religious faith at the heart of the German residents.

She has often visited relatives in Germany, where nine of her own 11 siblings now live, and admires German order and neatness. Three of her grown children have moved to Germany, and she worries about the marriage prospects of the two daughters still in Rot Front. Mennonites rarely marry outside their faith, and while German believers sometimes marry Kyrgyz converts, Ms. Pauls said she would like her children to marry fellow ethnic Germans.

Pauls, 56, said. The Mennonites and Amish both belong to the Anabaptist tradition, a reformation movement dating to the s that rejected aspects of the established Roman Catholic and Protestant churches. They share a commitment to pacifism and simple living.

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The German Mennonites who settled in Kyrgyzstan started their journey east in the early 16th century from what is now the northern Netherlands. After settling first in West Prussia, now part of Poland, they moved on to Russian-controlled Ukraine in the 18th century, and then to Kyrgyzstan, settling first in the west and then on rich farmland in the Chuy Valley east of the capital, Bishkek. The original German names given their new settlements have mostly been lost.

The German names that survive were imposed on towns by Moscow and given a Soviet slant, like Rot Front. Of the approximately , ethnic Germans who lived in Kyrgyzstan when the Soviet empire collapsed in , only 8, remain. In Rot Front, the exodus to Germany has been accompanied by a wave of new arrivals, mostly Kyrgyz but also a few Westerners.

A Canadian Christian purchased three houses built by Germans, setting up shelter for Kyrgyz orphans, a guesthouse and a farm. Wilhelm Lategahn, a non-Mennonite schoolteacher, came to Rot Front from Germany on a government program to promote the German language.


He intended to stay a year or so but, nearly a decade later, is still here. At the prayer hall, built in after the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev relaxed restrictions on religion, female worshipers sit on one side while their husbands, fathers and sons sit on the other. Germans and Kyrgyz mix constantly — in prayer, at school and at work in the fields, where residents grow their food and raise cattle. They communicate mostly in Russian, the one language everyone speaks fluently.

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Where are we? He knows her family history, what she looks like and her likes and dislikes. That will definitely impact my lifestyle more. This is already half a family. It will give the child someone else to relate to. But the year-old doctor from Singapore knew his path to parenthood would be far from smooth.

Li is gay and, in predominantly conservative Muslim Malaysia, that makes him a target for discrimination professionally and personally. So, my option is surrogacy. After an exhaustive search through Thailand, India, the U.

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Daniel Horowitz, an intended father in Portland, Ore. If they can do it, so can I. I mean how much more difficult can you make it for yourself?

A study by the U. Department of Health and Human Services found that, in the U. There are only a handful of countries that allow single men to adopt and those that allow homosexual men to do so are even fewer. Eyal Boden is a successful Israeli web and app designer at a U. He has a supportive family, a robust social life and an appetite to excel at work.

Boden was initially matched with a surrogate from Peterborough, with an American clinic already reserved and paid for. But the pair parted ways.

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Boden says he had considered waiting for Mr. Armed with three embryos created in a Las Vegas clinic, Boden is hoping to be on his way to fatherhood soon. Here are some updates on the three surrogacy teams the Star is following over a month period. They are set to arrive in Victoria on Boxing Day and will spend the last days of the pregnancy having holiday meals, shopping and doing a maternity shoot. Having completed the home renovations she worked on herself with an ever-expanding belly during her pregnancy, LaLone is moving into her new home with her four young children with the satisfaction of having given a couple the joy of parenthood for a second time.

They are friends. The men have come to spend time in Ontario with her throughout the pregnancy and lived here for a few weeks in a rented home after the baby was born. The gift of life is one of the most amazing gifts a person could give another … A gift of love and kindness.

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She is the picture of fertility in , where the best of traditional medicine and cutting-edge technology meet to create a baby. After eight months of failed transfers and, for the last two months, rigorous medication protocols to prep her body for the transfer of two embryos for Australian intended parents, Caryn and David Crabb, Paula is ready for a victory dance. Shortly after her acupuncture session Paula went for the hour-long implantation procedure and then entered the toughest phase of all: The wait.

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  4. After several days, Paula began testing and the results were nothing short of disappointing — another failed transfer. If Caryn and David wish to continue down the surrogacy road, they will need to find sperm and egg donors and create new embryos and they and Paula will have to decide whether or not to stick together.
