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A huge number of users — and growing! Read also: Want to Date Yorkshire Singles? Over the past two years, she has built a life for herself in Toronto, but could lose it all if she is denied asylum when she finally receives a hearing. A male-to-female transgender refugee from South Korea sits on her bed in a room she rents in Surrey, B.

She came to Canada from South Korea after being conscripted into the military. She identifies as female and was not comfortable being forced to live and shower with men for two years of service.

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She was told she had to get a sex change to avoid service, join the military or be imprisoned. Instead, she fled to Canada. She had a successful hearing in May and will eventually become a permanent resident. Justin Romanov, a year-old gay refugee from Russia, rests on his bed after creating a Facebook page for gay teenagers in Russia, on May Romanov came to Canada on a study visa to take a break from the harassment he faced at home.

He has been bullied for years in school and arrested by police for protesting the new laws against LGBT people. Romanov will be making his refugee claim later this month. He is a strong advocate for LGBT rights, choosing to focus much of his activism on gay youths like himself, who rarely have the financial or social support to get out of the dangerous environments they often live in.

Goncalves came to Canada on a study visa to escape harassment he faced in Brazil for being gay. He has been bullied since childhood, but felt his life was in danger after being sexually assaulted by knife point. The next year he was sexually assaulted again, this time by two police officers. He believes he was targeted because he is noticeably gay.

Reluctant to return to his situation in Brazil, he chose not to leave when his visa expired a week prior. Homosexuality and gay marriage are legal in Brazil, but homophobia and discrimination are still common. His hearing will be on July 7th.

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Edgar Benjamin Buenrostro Benjamin , left, eats lunch with his boyfriend Eric in their apartment in Toronto on February 2, Benjamin came to Canada as a refugee from Mexico because of the discrimination he faced for being gay. Benjamin was harassed by members of his community and sexually assaulted by a police officer while walking home one day. He had a successful hearing and now lives happily with his boyfriend and has a job with a cleaning company. Mexico was added to the Designated Country of Origin list in February of This is a list of countries the Canadian government believes to respect human rights and offer state protection.

Succeeding with a refugee claim from a DCO country can be more difficult and claimants only have 45 days to prepare a case from the day they file their claim. Tonge came to Canada from Antigua in after years of torment and death threats for being gay. Aketa's boyfriend came to Canada from Jamaica as a refugee for the same reason a year earlier. He bought a plane ticket for Aketa and helped him through the refugee process.

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