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On the other hand, apprenticeship and trades level Ag programs are booming. Schools across Canada are working together to rekindle interest in the area, and hoping opportunities in biofuel research will bring life back to the field. The Alberta Express. While women have achieved increased presence in the science and engineering departments of US universities, there has been very little progress in computer science departments.

The dot-com bust and offshore export of high-tech jobs are common excuses for poor rates, but experts say that there are more Americans employed in computer science now than even at the height of the dot-com boom. With the demand for computer scientists expected to increase, discovering why women avoid the field might be necessary to keep up with demand. The former editors of the Canadian Medical Association Journal have founded an independent, open-access general medical journal entitled Open Medicine. Editors of the new journal hope to avoid interference by operating independently from medical associations and commercial publishers.

Lafta was denied transport to Vancouver from Jordan. Lafta was initially to spend a week with researchers at uWashington, but was also denied entry to the US.

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The building is expected to lead the way in architecture and research in Ontario. Lethbridge College, in the middle of producing digital and video versions of Business Administration programming for delivery to Chinese students, has already been asked to increase the number of students eligible for the program. A scholarship in her name is being established, funded by donations.

Picket lines were set up at both the downtown Sir George Williams and the Loyola campuses from am until noon.

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Seniority rights, job placement, and fair compensation are the key issues on the table. If issues of academic freedom and independence are not satisfactorily resolved, the university will be removed from AUCC membership at its next meeting on April 1, Administration at Carleton University is not saying much about the sudden departure of the Dean of the Sprott School of Business. William Keep stepped down last week after just three months in the job, citing conflicts with administration in management style and differing priorities. Carleton has been recruiting for a new president, and now must fill both high profile positions.

With camera phones, students can capture professors in their Saturday worst and post the images to Facebook in an instant, right from their phone. RateMyProfessors is a much more visible expose than a typo in a seldom-read academic journal. In a profession where your reputation is synonymous with your worth, such technologies should be of concern.

Chronicle of Higher Education Subscription Required. Not every region ranks institutions by the same criteria or even in the same manner, according to a report by the Institute for Higher Education Policy. The Ontario provincial government has provided funding to improve student transfers between colleges and universities in the Ottawa area.

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The final transfer agreements are expected by September The majority of Canadian students say they want to work in a public, non-profit system. The month program will combine theoretical and applied finance at the highest academic levels for professionals currently working in the industry. The first class starts in September , and is expected to be in high demand.

While there are similar programs established in other world-centres such as London and New York, there are currently no other specialized advance finance programs available in Toronto. Rotman News Release. The book includes archive resources, more than oral history interviews, and vivid images of the campus. Out of the Shadow is particularly relevant as the institution celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year.

McLaughlin has been at the university since , first as a student and later as a faculty member.

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Depending on the amount of funding received from the province, cost saving measures such as restructuring the curriculum and employee compensation packages may have to be considered. The projected deficit takes into account an already proposed 4. Guelph Mercury. The suggested probation would last 12 months, to allow the institution to remove politicians from its board, and put measures into place that will guarantee academic freedom in the future. Further complaints from faculty might see the school removed from the AUCC entirely.

There is no sure way to identify an individual who may react to a situation with violence. The personal information of 60 million US students is accessible to loan companies via a national database. This body of information is being used in ways that violate current privacy laws. The database is maintained by the Education Department of the US government, and may be temporarily shut down because of how widespread unauthorized searching has become. Social security numbers, email address, phone numbers, birth dates and financial information are all contained in the database.

Lenders are normally allowed to search the database only if they have permission from, or are already in a financial agreement with, the student. It is feared that lenders could be using the database to target students with advertising and mass mailings. A study of teens without stable housing and others who are active in street life in communities across BC, reveals that 1 in 3 of these young people continue to attend school while living in makeshift quarters abandoned buildings, tents, cars, squats or on the street.

Aboriginal as well as gay, lesbian and bisexual youths were over-represented in the results. UBC News Release. A malfunction in the MCAT registration program means that thousands of hopefuls for the August session of the test have been unable to register. Due to large numbers of applicants, the registration technology was temporarily overwhelmed.

Canadian students favour the August test year after year, rather than any of the earlier test dates. When registration opened across the board, the high number of August hopefuls flooded the systems, and no one was able to secure a date. Many students thought that the system was down or that there were no spots remaining. The Manitoban Online Student Newspaper. French is to be the language of instruction at all levels, with other languages only being used for translation courses and in upper-level multilingual programs.

The English MBA program will continue in a multilingual form. The impact of decreasing English program offerings spurred several staff and community members to voice passionate concerns against the new language policy earlier this year. Holland College students are asking why their college was not given the same generosity.

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The Guardian. Time is the remedy recommended by Dawson College students and staff who experienced on-campus shootings last fall, and the Virginia Tech shootings may cause flashbacks for some Dawson students.

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It keeps us on our feet, and reminds us of what happened. University of Manitoba students will be participating in "shooter-on-campus" safety early in May. Large colleges and universities often lack a campus-wide PA system, and instead rely on mass email and phone messages, campus radio announcements and going door-to-door when safe. All three are registered at Nova Scotia Agricultural College.

The Truro Daily. The gunman who killed 32 Virginia Polytechnic students on Monday was a student of the school himself. Cho Seung-Hui was 23 years old, an English major, a resident alien from South Korea, and is described as "a loner. Facebook members woke up this morning to find invitations to hundreds of groups formed to express grief over the events, one with more than , members by pm Tuesday.

The scholarship will be enough to pay for fees and living costs.

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All contestants will be screened to make sure they meet the schools' academic requirements, and then enter a free-for-all of tests, tasks and quizzes to win the prize. BBC News. With a regional population boom in Massachusetts , and record numbers of rejections from the Ivy Leagues, many schools that never thought of themselves as "elite" are now also sending out heavy rejections due to increased applications.

More students are graduating from high school, and more of them are applying to colleges. In the face of tough competition, students are applying to a higher number of schools. The bubble of extra applicants means more to choose from, and the potential for a high calibre freshman class. Boston Globe. Only students studying to enter health professions are eligible. MNO News Release. The new agreement will make it much easier for Briercrest students to finish their education at the university -- it will also hopefully motivate more students to stay in Saskatchewan after their education.

Discover Moose Jaw. To achieve this goal and gain an equal footing with its key competitors, Sprott is reorganizing class instruction as well as workload, and hiring new faculty. The Charlatan Student Newspaper. The merger of the Robarts Research Institute with the University of Western Ontario, and the provincial government's financial support, got press coverage in the UK last week. Even with the government's investment, 19 Robarts staff positions will be cut: 14 terminate immediately, and 5 more shortly afterwards. The positions being cut are mostly administrative, and no more layoffs are expected.

Users can select up to 7 criteria, assign percentage weightings, and calculate rankings by region or individually-selected universities. Maclean's Try the Tool. The organizer of "Wear a Hijab Day" at McMaster University came in to work last week to find racist graffiti sprayed on her office door. The event was intended to sensitize people to Islam, allowing participants to see through experience how others viewed and treated Islamic women. McMaster's president has expressed disappointment regarding the incident. Hamilton Spectator North Bay Nugget.

Students at Dalhousie University account for more than one-third of Nova Scotia 's 64 cases of mumps in a recent outbreak. According to the school, many of these had single rooms and were easily able to isolate themselves. Dalhousie dealt with a mumps outbreak last year as well, and according to a spokesperson, the situation is well under control.

Students in their 20s are susceptible to getting sick, as they grew up in a period when only one dose of the vaccine was administered. There are currently 15 cases in New Brunswick as well.
