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This varied significantly by CMA. A large gap in postsecondary enrolment remains between youth from lower and higher income families. Non-financial factors, such as academic performance and parental education, play a significant role. The percentage of young women employed full-time rose because of their growing labour force participation. In contrast to young men, young women have significantly increased their annual hours of work and moved to better-paid occupations, resulting in higher cumulative earnings. In , 6.

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The share has remained stable over the last decade. Youth are also not meeting physical activity guidelines—only 1 in 5 are meeting the recommended minutes of physical activity per week. Based on a new CanHeart Index which measures risk factors for heart disease including diet, weight and physical activity, approximately 1 in 4 youth aged rank as having poor heart health.

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Campbell River man looks back on 37th anniversary of life-changing incident. The William Lyons Gallery of Photography opened in Bonnie Henry says 1, health-care workers have been vaccinated so far. Get local stories you won't find anywhere else right to your inbox. Sign up here. Previous story Alberta seeks to intervene in B.

Next story Former polygamous leader to be sentenced next week in B. City of Terrace extends budget survey City seeks public feedback on draft budget that calls for a 7 per cent tax increase. Traffic moving again on Hwy 16 west of Gitsegukla Three commercial vehicles collided this morning closing the highway for most day with no detour. The influx of prospectors into the Boundary area during the s, especially from the United States, brought quick prosperity points of access along the International border, where a Customs port was located. Then disaster struck when two fires devastated Cascade in and By then it was clear that the new city of Grand Forks would be the primary business centre of the region.

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But Cascade, as its name suggests, was very near a lovely waterfall on the Kettle River, which here veered southward to its confluence with the Columbia River at Kettle Falls, WA. The W. Cascade Dam, ca. Such a site attracted the attention of investors who saw the potential of power generation much in demand by the growing city of Grand Forks and the Granby smelter located there, as well as the extensive mining operations at Phoenix. The plant began to generate electricity in December of Seasonal water levels of the Kettle River could be so low that the power plant was occasionally forced to reduce the amount of electricity it provided.

This company bought the Cascade dam and its power plant in , but closed it in From that time, it generated power only if West Kootenay Power needed a supplementary source. In , it was dismantled. As for the substantial power house, it remained standing until a heavy snowfall in caused its roof to collapse, and the structure was subsequently demolished. But the possibility of generating power at Cascade was still alive in Powerhouse Developments Inc.

Whether this project comes to fruition or not, time will tell. But the site of the old Cascade Power and Light Company, and its lovely waterfall still attracts visitors. Former Director of a number of public art galleries in Canada, with numerous exhibitions and publications to his credit, Roger H. Boulet is a semi-retired art historian who lives in Summerland, BC.

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Christina Lake - An Illustrated History. Merritt: Sonotek Publishing Ltd. The technical details were derived from the Phoenix Pioneer article. Further details on Cascade and its power plant can be found in Basque, Garnet. Langley: Sunfire Publications Ltd.

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For the development of the power a dam has been constructed at the head of the gorge, which raises the water to a height of 36 feet above the natural level, thus giving a working head of feet at low water. The dam is constructed of timber cribwork filled with rock, and is 40 feet thick at the base and slopes back to a width of 24 feet at the top. The total length of the dam is feet, and the total height from the base to the top is 50 feet in the deepest part of the channel, tapering off to a height of 25 feet at the sides.

About 10, cubic yards of rock are required to fill the cribwork. The site is on solid rock-bed throughout, and the foundation timbers are solidly bolted to the rock. The permanent water lever will be 10 feet below the top of the dam, and provision has been made to control the water level during periods of high water by a series of sluice ways, 12 in number, which can be opened up to a depth of 12 feet below the normal level. This will give an area of about 2, square feet of waterway through which to pass the flood water.

The sluice ways are closed by means of stop logs, 12 inches square, dropped one on top of the other in a groove provided for their reception. A steel rail track will be placed on the top of the dam on which a travelling winch can be run over the sluiceways for the purpose of drawing up the stop logs as the water rises during floods. This winch will be operated by hand or electric motor.

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Photo: Christine Germano The site of the present dam was chosen with the view that at some future time a concrete masonry dam could be constructed below the present structure, which can be built without any stoppage of the plant whatever. During the high water last June a large boom of logs which were held by the Yale- Columbia Lumber Co. This unexpected test of the dam fully demonstrated its stability.

The water is conveyed from the dam to the power house, first by an open rock cut feet long, from this point a tunnel, twelve by fourteen feet, is driven for a distance of feet through solid rock, thence by another open channel for a distance of feet. At this point a concrete bulkhead will be placed and the water W.

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Interior of the Power House at Cascade, ca. Over 35, yards of rock have ben excavated for the open cuts alone. The area of the open cuts and tunnel are so large that no appreciable loss of head will occur, and the water will enter the flume with a head equal to the level of the water in the dam. An Immense Power House The power house will be place on a natural bay at the foot of the falls, where an extensive site has been excavated out of solid rock. About 7, yards of rock have been removed for this purpose. The turbines are of the horizontal type, two wheels in each case, and the generators are of the three phase alternating type, and step-up transformers are used to raise the current for transmission.

Photo by Culture Vulture Victoria. A right of way has been cleared from Cascade to Phoenix, a distance of 21 miles. The clearing is ft. All brush and timber has been removed. Two separate duplicate lines are being constructed, of the most substantial and up-to-date description, and every possible means will be used to ensure a continuous current being maintained.

The heaviest wire will be used to ensure this. The main distributing station will be a fire proof of brick and stone. Poles are now being distributed along the right-of-way between Phoenix and Cascade, and all the outside work, building, etc. Pelton Wheel Hydroelectric Generator, courtesy of the Summerland Museum At the beginning of the s, the Okanagan Valley had numerous large cattle ranches.

Some of these ranches had small-scale electrical generators. But the first Okanagan community to acquire an electric generator was Summerland in Shaughnessy was able to convince several of his prominent business partners to also acquire orchard land in Summerland. He was a director of companies. Today, his best-known business is Holt Renfrew: but Holt Renfrew was then a minor business venture compared to his stable of large companies. After the ceremony, a group of representatives from the BMM posted for a picture. Holt and Hosmer bought orchard land from the newly formed Summerland Development Company Shaughnessy was president.

The Development Company owned and operated the water and electrical utilities. The Development Company, Holt, and Hosmer all conducted businesses with minimal record keeping. No records exist describing how the hydroelectric generator was acquired or built. The generator was manufactured by the Montreal Electric Company owned by Holt: so he is the most likely source of the generator.

The source of water was Shaughnessy Brook. This spring was located conveniently in the middle of the new community, on the shores of Okanagan Lake. As the demands for electricity increased, the capacity of the generator was increased in and again approximately in The Summerland Development Company sold the water and electrical utilities to the District of Summerland in But more electricity was required. A greater volume of water was required for a proposed larger generator.

Initial construction of two separate dams for these two creeks took place in The town of Princeton was in an envious position. More electricity was required. If WKP needed to expand the capacity of the transmission line to Princeton, perhaps it could also provide other Okanagan communities with much needed power.

James B. Bonnington Falls Electric Plant was built an additional 66 megawatts of power. Three additional power generators were either completed or in the works by for an additional megawatts of electricity. WKP was in a good position to sell additional power to the Okanagan Valley. Campbell had a remarkable career with West Kootenay Power, being the General Manager from until his death in Summerland kept its electrical distribution system.

Its Electric Plant was closed. The generator was sold to the community of Naksup in Campbell, courtesy of FortisBC. The characteristics of Shaughnessy Brook were perfect for raising small fish and the Summerland Fish Hatchery was established.
