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Hi Carol, my name is Sue and I certainly can relate to the situation you are in. Only I think Superior, WI is truly the worst place on earth. I put all my time and energy into my relationships and my daughter. She is now 34 and I have struggled since she was 18 to help her get off drugs. She is clean now and is living in Seattle WA. So, I too find myself alone with no family and no real friends. Plus, I am living in pretty bad poverty and having to move out of my duplex by April Anyway, I guess I could go on and on.

I just wanted you to know I really, truly understand the situation you find yourself in now. Wish we lived closer, maybe we could have been friends and a comfort to each other. Please take care of yourself and at least we both know there is another that really understands our situation. Youre Awesome! Thank you for your message!! Hi Carol I pray n cry for u.. Hi Carol….

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Betty here…. Its been 2yrs.. Linda, greetings from Chris who has lived all alone for the past 18 years on the other side of the planet.

It is quite a story! Now I am experiencing reverse culture shock trying to come back to my native land and feel like Rip Van Winkle. My solution is for everyone here to have a party because life is good and we all need to enjoy the ride. Since that is obviously not possible, well not in the physical sense at least, I will make my phone number available it is a US number so you can call or text me for free to any normal human who responds to this post and wants it. It would be great to have some lines of communication over here so I have the illusion of having some life lines.

The more positive feedback I receive, the better it might be for all of us. Who knows, we might find from this trial balloon that we have a happening. Hi Chris, alone in Michigan here.

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I would like to make some new friends around the nation and reaching out to you would be a good start. Hi Linda I am 58 and had a stroke last year. I am a widow and still work full time as a paralegal. I have two dogs who I cherish and really help me with loneliness. I know what it is like to be a woman living alone as we age.

So sorry to hear that I can so relate to your story my situation is one that reads just as similar. You are so right about online dating sites, even the so-called Christian singles sites. At 69 all I received was messages from men no older than 55 who all had broken English, i. This corona virus scare is getting to me though.

I come to read the entries on this site periodically to see that many others are in the same boat — just wish we all lived in the same town! Anybody in or near Bend, OR? Jean and Cathy — Dont go on the safe sites like Match. All those scammers are targeting the older nice ladies there.

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I got the same. Go on Bumble.

All the guys are real and you can see exactly where they are in their location. I would say maybe 5 percent are legit guys looking for something real if you can weed through the a holes. Way more than the older guys. Single, active, except for this virus thingy, still i try to walk everyday tho. Children are grown and have their own families, so im kinda out here in the boonies by myself. I still work cleaning homes no im not dumb two degrees, but tired of working for businesses that pay nothing to our generation. I charge what i want, work when i want, and for whom i want. Gettn ready for summer.

Take care. Hi My name is Greg I am retired and in the same situation as you are. I have never been all alone my entire life. If you know of a good chat room for a 1st timer I would appreciate it.

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So many people who you never hear from. But not in this country! Really tough, almost impossible I find. You can get a skinny girl who will still add weight and grow ugly one day so I think you are too picky. Your age mates definitely are going to have some weight on and are not going to look 18! Hi Geoff, Am 66 and single, love music , ballet, museums and looking to settle in Portugal.

What country are you talking about? I speak German. Not really into ballet and such to be honest…more of an adventure traveler like bicycle touring while I still have a few good years left.

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Just took a hit to my finances during this epidemic. But can still share expenses easily. Have traveled extensively to all countries in Europe and am familiar with Portugal to some extent. Beautiful country. Maybe we should get in touch. Hi geoff liked your message. I agree with what you say. However all of our events are currently online. Yes Linda.

They are all scams. I am 69 living alone and my only child is miles away. This Covid19 is really driving me psychotic by living with stay at home and nobody with me. I wish you well and Stay Safe!

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I work out, etc. Normally, I would never write something like this on the Internet, but why not? Maybe volunteering in an organization that helps others would expand your horizons — it can be very rewarding to focus on others for a change. We were Inguaged to be married but I had to go to Alberta to get a job and she Met someone else and I lost contact with her.

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I have thought about her every day and I do still love her! I just want to know if she is still alive and happy with her life she chose. As with. I have no answers. I live in very. I wish I could have the trust I need. Looking for a good honest straight woman who wants me for who I am not what I have. I live in South Texas and I love fishing. Walk in a park. And some traveling.


I love to cook and enjoy a good honest woman that I can love and adore. If ur that woman. Thank u…. A quite busy man I am at 70 years old lots of lady friends lots of good guy friends; quite content with my single life those out there look for the positive in yourself!!! This reply is for Alan living in texas but there was no reply to under his message. No one knows how another person thinks or feels, so that is it for me. Never again. I know wives who have been terrible to their husbands but are adored by them.
