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Sign in to save your faves. Sign up now aussieBum. That means that you no longer have to pay any additional VAT when your order arrives in its destination country — its included in the price of your items. Vacations are the space that must be filled up at all costs while waiting for the obligatory return to work. I render you idle. The disaster ends when the economy ends. The economy is the devastation. Starting in February of this year the appearance of a widespread Indigenous uprising on the stage of Canadian history swiftly moved the realm of the surreal from dreams of radical transformation to the direct action undertaken to bring it about.

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  4. Railways, highways and ferries were blockaded, provincial legislatures, government administrative offices, banks and corporate headquarters were occupied. For many inconvenienced Canadians, such actions as these were considered to be unacceptable even though they would prove to be only a fraction as disruptive as the more authoritarian forms of state control that would later shelter under the legitimacy of saving us from The Virus. Though the immediacy of the COVID pandemic would quickly overshadow the earlier Indigenous revolt in the public eye, it is now evident to many that the smiley-faced mask of Canadian colonialism has been pulled off to reveal a state that in spite of its professed human rights and climate change awareness rhetoric continues to have no compunctions about invading Indigenous territory without consent to build pipelines for fracked natural gas and tar sands oil because of what it considers to be in the best interests of the almighty economy.

    Like wildfire, it swept through the hearts of youth across the territories. Out of their mouths, with teeth bared, they echoed back: reconciliation is dead! Reconciliation was a distraction, a way for them to dangle a carrot in front of us and trick us into behaving.

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    Do we not have a right to the land stolen from our ancestors? Just as Indigenous peoples have demanded their land back in rural areas while pronouncing the false hope of government-brokered reconciliation to be dead, the systemic dislocations to the economy brought on by the coronavirus have led urban anarchists to address fundamental land issues by calling for rent strikes. But why stop there? In response to the devastation associated with The Virus, we have heard calls for the cessation of not only rent, but mortgage and utility payments, even the cancellation of debt itself, the end of wage slavery, and demands for the cessation of arrests for minor offenses, the release of prisoners who have committed non-violent crimes, or flat-out prison abolition.

    As surrealists we might ask ourselves what other noxious aspects of reality might be called into question and transformed by beginning to imagine what might exist in their place. This time growing numbers of Indigenous peoples were not willing to be bought off by corporate bribes or mollified by a legal system that has never done anything but pacify, brutalize, or betray them in the process of stealing their land.

    This time people fought back in droves against the forces of colonial law and order. This time the air was alive with a spirit of refusal and rebellion with one action building upon another in a burgeoning movement that could not be stopped. When one railroad blockade would be busted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police RCMP , another would spring up in its place elsewhere extending the frontlines of the battle all across the continent. As I write, the wheel of change is still in spin.

    What the final outcome will be in relation to either the COVID virus or the virus of revolt is unknown, especially in relation to the predatory nature of the times in which we live where the emphasis is often placed on the institution of statist forms of social control rather than grass roots mutual aid efforts in relation to the immanence of societal upheaval. Consequently, it will remain very hard for the authorities to put the genie of Indigenous rebellion back in the colonial bottle in the future. First posted March 30, A final farewell to Salvo, to the songs of Su, communists of the capital!

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    Of all the measures taken during this emergency, the ban on funeral services is among the most dehumanizing. In the prevailing rhetoric of these past few weeks, life has been reduced almost entirely to the survival of the body, to the detriment of any other dimension of it. In this there is a very strong thanatophobic connotation from the Greek Thanatos , or death , a morbid fear of dying.

    Thanatophobia has permeated our society for decades. To this end, he continues, it was strategic "to shift the site where we die.

    This is why many rituals related to dying are now considered embarrassing and in a phase of disuse. Even before the state of emergency we are experiencing, the rituality of dying had been reduced to a minimum. That is why we have always been so impressed by the manifestations of its re-emergence. And what does the Canadian film depict if not a group of people waiting for weeks - in a context of conviviality and re-emerging secular rituality - the passing of a friend?

    Eight years ago we undertook, together with many others, to set up an environment of conviviality and secular rituality around a dear friend and companion, Stefano Tassinari, in the weeks leading up to his death and in the ceremonies that followed. Much of our questioning on this subject dates back to that time. If the rituality linked to dying was already reduced to a minimum, the ban on attending the funeral of a loved one had finally annihilated it.

    Back on March 25th we shared a beautiful letter from a parish priest from Reggio, Don Paolo Tondelli, who was dismayed at the scenes he had to witness:. They cannot enter the cemetery, the measures adopted do not allow it. We stop at the cemetery gate, in the street, I am bitter and angry inside, I have a strong thought: even a dog is not taken to the grave like this.

    That said, those who are believers and observers have experienced the suspension of ritual ceremonies - including funeral masses - as an attack on their form of life. It is no coincidence that among the examples of clandestine organization that we have heard about these days, there is the catacombal continuation of Christian public life. We have direct evidence that in many parishes the faithful continued to attend mass, despite the signs on the doors saying they were suspended. Twenty, thirty people, summoned by word of mouth. In particular last Thursday, for the Missa in coena Domini.

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    The same can be said of funerals. In this case as well we have direct testimonies of priests who officiated small rites, with close family members, without publicity. In the past few days, we have identified three types of disobedience to some of the stupidest and most inhumane features of the lock-down.

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    The individual gesture is often invisible but occasionally it is showy, as in the case of that runner on the deserted beach of Pescara, hunted by security guards for no reason that has any epidemiological basis. The video went viral , and had the effect of demonstrating the absurdity of certain rules and their obtuse application.

    Later, he adds - and here comes the part pertinent to the episode of the runner - that 'there is nevertheless a second powerful gesture, certainly no less essential even if not so radiant. The video […] reminded me how powerful and liberating it is not to let yourself be caught. The books were given to the individual parents by lowering them with a rope from a small balcony and stuffed into shopping bags or between loaves of bread, as if they were hand grenades for the Resistance.

    List of LGBT characters in modern written fiction

    In this way those children will at least be able to follow the program on the book with the teacher in tele-education, and the parents will be able to have support for the inevitable homeschooling. In this reorganization it is implicit that certain restrictions are considered incongruous, irrational, indiscriminately punitive. Furthermore: at the beginning of the emergency, parental chats were, in general, among the worst hotbeds of panic, culture of suspicion, toxic voice messages, calls for denunciation. The performance of the trio from Rimini - a man and two women - who had sex in public places and put the videos online, accompanied with insults hurled at the police, is part of this rarefied case history.

    The police have since held a grudge against the case, as exemplified by their official social channels. For a moment we feared that the fascists would be the first to bring it into play. However, when leaflets circulated calling for a procession to St. Instead, it was our comrades and friends from Radio Onda Rossa and the Roman liberatory movement who, this morning, in S.
